Steve Addison’s new book What Jesus Started won’t be available to the general public until January 2013. But as a special offer to, Steve is extending a pre-publication offer of the book for half price until November 30th.3D book  cover What Jesus Started

We caught up with Addison for this early look at this book.

David Garrison Interview with Steve Addison, author of What Jesus Started

David: Steve, why did you write, What Jesus Started?


About two years ago, I looked back on the impact of my first book, Movements that Change the World and saw that it had done a good job of changing the way people see the world, but there was still a gap between changed thinking and changed behavior.

At the same time I was reading the Gospel of Luke and Acts and asking, “What did Jesus do (Luke) and what did he continue to do as the Risen Lord (Acts). As I studied disciple-making church planting movements around the world, I realized that casting vision for movements was not enough. To help people get started we need to connect the dots. People need to know what to do on Monday morning. We need to get practical.

What better plaSteve Addison Photoce to start than by asking, “What did Jesus do?” “What did he train his disciples to do?” As the Risen Lord, “What did he empower the early church and Paul to do?” Then we can ask, “What does that look like today?” “What do we need to do?”


David: In your book, Steve, you’ve identified key elements of Jesus’ ministry in the Gospels and his continuing ministry through his followers in Acts. What were these elements?


First, Jesus saw the end. He was moved with compassion. He looked out over Israel and saw sheep, lost without a shepherd. He wept over Jerusalem’s rejection of God’s messengers. He prepared his disciples to take the gospel to the whole world.

Next, Jesus connected with people. Jesus crossed whatever boundaries stood in the way and connected with people. No group was beyond his care. Jesus spent a lot of his time ministering to people, looking for the “sick” not the “healthy,” “sinners” not the “righteous”. He sought out people who knew they needed God’s mercy.

Jesus shared the gospel. Jesus proclaimed the good news of salvation in words and deeds. In him, God’s rule had become a present reality. He preached, he taught, he rebuked, and he invited everyone he met to repent and believe. He gave his life as a ransom for many.

Jesus trained disciples. Jesus led people to put their trust in him and to learn to obey his commands. He modeled and taught them a new way of life.

Jesus gathered communities. Jesus formed his disciples into communities characterized by faith in him, love for one another and witness in word and deed.

Lastly, Jesus multiplied workers. Jesus equipped his followers to make disciples of all nations. He sent the Holy Spirit upon them so that they would continue his ministry in his power.

Read more about Addison’s What Jesus Started here.

Until November 30th, you can Steve’s book at half price! See purchase information here.