
Choosing the Best Strategy

This article has an accompanying PowerPoint that you can access here. Few words are more overused, misused and abused than “strategy.” Who would dare submit a budget or funding proposal without the word ‘strategic’ liberally

Four Fields

Nathan and Kari Shank's Four Fields of Kingdom Growthhas become a popular and powerful training tool across South Asia leading to the formation of numerous church-multiplication movements. Download the newly updated, latest version (Oct 2014) of

What Are Church Planting Movements?

A Church Planting Movement is a rapid multiplication of indigenous churches planting churches that sweeps through a people group or population segment. There’s a lot more we could add, but this captures the essence. Rather than

Purposeful Church Planting – Part I

Our tendency as church planters is typically to jump in, get to work, and make it happen.  While this hardworking attitude is commendable, using tools developed by others to plant churches without having a solid

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