If you haven’t yet registered for Insider Access and tried the Iron-on-Iron forum, now is the time to sign up and begin using the forum.  The forum system has just completed a major overhaul, which we believe will greatly improve its usability.  The new forum now allows for email subscription so you will know if anyone responds to a thread that interests you.  It also allows RSS feed subscription to the forum posts as well.  In addition, in the days to come, it will allow us to automatically generate forum topics based on articles from the site so that insiders will be able to discuss the articles with one another and even the author.  For those of you who have used the old forum, we regret to report that all previous posts have been deleted in the switch over.  While this is unfortunate, we believe that the new system will greatly improve the experience for all insiders and hopefully increase traffic to the forum, which benefits everyone.  If you are already registered, you simply need to login and you can post new topics and respond to topics freely.  If you haven’t registered, won’t you join the community as we strive to sharpen one another for the Kingdom.  We look forward to dialoging with each of you in the forum soon.